Community Engagement: Consultations, Surveys and Opinions

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar welcomes opinions on its work and is keen to encourage users of this site to express themselves in a clear and open manner. The primary aim of this site is to allow inhabitants of the Outer Hebrides to provide ideas and feedback to the Comhairle on an ongoing basis.  To ensure that this site functions properly, all comments are pre-moderated and as a result will not appear instantly. However, the site is monitored on a daily basis and the Comhairle would aim to allow comments to appear as quickly as possible.   For additional information, please click on the following link: Moderation Guidelines

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    British Sign Language Plan (2024-2030)

    The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 requires public bodies to publish BSL plans every six years. The draft plan is framed around similar priority areas identified in the British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2023-2029 published on 6 November 2023. 

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    Draft Gaelic Language Plan (2022-2027)

    We asked the public to submit any comments to us in relation to the draft Gaelic Language Plan for 2022-2027, which would be considered before submitting the final draft of the Plan to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for approval.

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    Spaceport 1 Airspace Change Consultation

    Formal consultation on the proposed airspace change associated with  Spaceport 1, Scolpaig,  North Uist will commence on 20 March and close on 24 May 2024. 

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    Education & Children’s Services Consultation

    The Education and Children's Services Department are looking for your views as they prepare a new strategic plan for their services for the next five years. To help with creation of the plan, the department are looking for the views of our community on the strategic vision and priorities for the different sections of the department that deliver important services across our islands.