
  • Children's Sports Activities - Term 4

    We are happy to announce that our sports activity clubs will be running from week beginning 24 April 2023These classes are to be booked the same way as they were last term. 


  • Uig Metagama Performance tickets available

    Sgoil Uig and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Department of Education, Skills and Children's Services are delighted to announce the seventh in a series of eight events to commemorate one hundred years since the Metagama sailed from Stornoway on the 21st of April 1923.

  • Sgoil an Taobh Siar Metagama performance tickets available

    Sgoil an Taobh Siar and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Department of Education, Skills and Children's Services are delighted to announce the seventh in a series of  eight events to commemorate one hundred years since the Metagama sailed from Stornoway on the 21st of April 1923.

  • Metagama Production by Laxdale School

    A limited amount of tickets for the upcoming Metagama performance by pupils of Laxdale school are available from Events shop on Cromwell St, Stornoway.

  • Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) - Proposals for Comment

    Should you wish to submit an objection to any of the proposals shown on this page, you must do so in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2BW, to be received by his office no later than the date shown below.