
  • Carbon Neutral Islands named

    The Carbon Neutral Islands project is a programme for government commitment aimed at supporting islands to become carbon neutral by 2040. Image, wikipedia.

  • South Beach & Tarbert Carpark Resurfacing Closure Update

    Due to weather and other unforeseen delays, it has been necessary to amend the original dates for closures and restrictions in parking availability of South Beach Carpark and Tarbert Carpark to the following.

  • Licensing of Short Term Lets

    The consultation period on Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Short Term Let Licensing Scheme closes on 20th May (Friday). Image,

  • Lionel and Shawbost Pools Reopen to the Public

    CnES Sport and Health are delighted to announce the reopening of swimming pools at Lionel and Shawbost schools.

  • New Comhairle to Meet

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar will meet next week to choose a new Leader, Convener and Committee Chairs.