
  • Second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2)

    This consultation is on the draft second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Summary Report, which sets out draft transport recommendations for the next 20 years. Image,

  • Statutory Notices

    Please see the following links to the Statutory Notices and Downloadable Statutory Notices. 

  • Jobs at CnES as of 31 March

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the MyJobScotland    website. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image, BHPI

  • ROADS Thursday, 31 March 2022

    Wintery Conditions Forecast in Lewis & Harris, Uist & Barra. Gritters deployed treating Priority 1, 2 & 3 roads in Lewis & Harris and Priority 1 in Uist & Barra.  Please drive to the conditions.

  • Notice of Poll

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. Election of Councillors - 5 May 2022.  Notice of Poll. Polling will take place between the hours of  7.00am and 10.00pm on Thursday 5 May 2022.