Archive for 2024

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    Spaceport 1 Airspace Change Consultation

    Formal consultation on the proposed airspace change associated with  Spaceport 1, Scolpaig,  North Uist will commence on 20 March and close on 24 May 2024. 

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    Draft Gaelic Language Plan (2022-2027)

    We asked the public to submit any comments to us in relation to the draft Gaelic Language Plan for 2022-2027, which would be considered before submitting the final draft of the Plan to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for approval.

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    British Sign Language Plan (2024-2030)

    The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 requires public bodies to publish BSL plans every six years. The draft plan is framed around similar priority areas identified in the British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2023-2029 published on 6 November 2023. 

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    Outer Hebrides Local Housing Strategy (2024-2029) Housing Survey

    The Comhairle is preparing a new Local Housing Strategy. This survey will gather some information on the housing matters that are important to the people living in our communities.