Archive for October 2023

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    Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy

    The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022 places a duty on local authorities to prepare, publish and update a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency strategy by the 31st December 2023, to keep this under review and publish an updated LHEES every 5 years.

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    Draft Corporate Strategy 2024-27

    The Corporate Strategy sets the strategic direction of the Comhairle in each council term and is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant to the strategic aims of the Comhairle and takes cognisance of the internal and external environment impacting on service delivery.

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    Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    The Comhairle is undertaking a formal review of polling places and polling districts. The aim of the review is to ensure that all electors have reasonable facilities for voting and, so far as is reasonable and practical, the polling places that the Comhairle is responsible for are accessible to all electors.