
Filter for: West Side and Ness

  • School Enrolment

    The following sections provide information about enrolment to, primary and secondary schools. Image, STEM

  • Sports Development Children's Sports Activities

    Bookings are open for the Sports Development children's sports activities - these activities can be booked via the app.

  • WIIGA Biennial General Meeting 2022

    In advance of the 2023 NatWest International Island Games, the Western Isles Island Games Association (WIIGA) will hold its Biennial General Meeting (BGM) on Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 6pm.

  • Warning on Fraud and Scams

    Western Isles Citizen's Advice Service, Police Scotland and Trading Standards at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar have come together to raise awareness about frauds and scams.

  • Jobs at CnES as of 27 January

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the    MyJobScotland        website. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image, BHPI