
Filter for: West Side and Ness

  • Supplier Development Webinar

    The Supplier Development Programme is hosting a free webinar, in partnership with the Islands Growth Deal, on Tuesday 5th March 2-3:30pm.

  • Jobs at CnES as of 26 February

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the  MyJobScotland  website. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image, BHPI

  • Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024 Begins

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar joins Western Isles Employability and Developing the Young Workforce Outer Hebrides in celebrating Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024, which starts today.

  • Jobs at CnES as of 08 March

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the MyJobScotland w ebsite. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image, BHPI

  • UK Parliamentary Election Voter ID: Reminder

    The Returning Officer at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is reminding voters in the Western Isles of the requirement for Voter ID at the next UK Parliamentary General Election.