
Filter for: West Side and Ness

  • Oil Contamination

    The Comhairle has been liaising with the Coastguard and other agencies over oil deposits appearing at various locations at the coastline between Swordale Beach and Holm on the Isle of Lewis. Image, Maritime & Coastguard Agency

  • Comhairle Welcomes Levelling Up Announcement

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar welcomes the announcement in yesterday's Autumn Budget Statement that £20 million has been allocated to the Western Isles.

  • Farming skills for the next generation

    Funding of over £500,000 will help women and young people develop new agricultural skills and further their careers within the farming sector.

  • Islands Centre for Net Zero

    The Islands Centre for Net Zero (ICNZ) is hosting joint open days in Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides to engage local communities and businesses. Image, EMEC

  • Suirbhidhean Luchd-ùidhe Slighean Dualchais gan cur air bhog

    Tha Seirbheis Dualchais Comhairle nan Eilean Siar air trì suirbhidhean a chur air bhog gus ùidh ann an leasachadh slighean dualchais sna h-Eileanan Siar a thomhas.