
Filter for: North Stornoway

  • Blythswood Shoebox Appeal 2024 - Lewis and Harris

    The Appeal Centre will be at Lewis Builders Store, Rigs Road, Stornoway, on the following days to receive shoeboxes. Image,

  • Transport Chair Calls for Improved Resilience

    Cllr Uisdean Robertson, Chair of the Comhairle's Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has called on Highlands and Islands Airports Limited to improve the resilience of their service at Stornoway Airport.

  • 2024-25 YLAG Fund Launched

    The Outer Hebrides Community Led Local Development Youth Local Action Group (CLLD YLAG) have launched their grant fund. A total of £10,000 is available and each applicant may apply for up to £4,000.

  • Comhairle Heritage Service: Changes to Museum Opening Hours

    From Tuesday 1st October, Museum nan Eilean, Stornoway will move to low season hours as usual.  The museum will be open Tuesday to Saturday 1pm-4pm until after the October holidays.

  • Jobs at CnES as of 25 October

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the MyJobScotland   website. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image, BHPI