
Filter for: Broadbay

  • Jobs at CnES as of 23 March

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the  MyJobScotland  website. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image, BHPI

  • Short-term Let Licensing

    New operators starting after 1 October 2022 must be licensed before they can offer short-term lets. Existing operators can continue to operate but need to apply for a licence before 1 October 2023. Image,

  • Roads Monday, 27 March

    Wintery Conditions Forcast in Lewis. Gritters deployed treating Priority 1 and 2 roads in Lewis.  Please drive to the conditions.

  • Funding boost for the marine sector

    Seafood businesses and marine organisations in Scotland's coastal communities are set to benefit from a new year of funding through Marine Fund Scotland.

  • Additional funding for South Uist community centre

    £2 million announced at Convention of Highlands and Islands. A community hub in South Uist is set to be extended, providing more education and social opportunities to local residents.