Public Encouraged to Show Royal Regiment Support

The public is encouraged to show their support to The Royal Regiment of Scotland as they are granted the freedom of the Western Isles at a ceremony in Stornoway this weekend, on Saturday 7 September 2024 at 12pm.

The Freedom of the Western Isles is the highest honour that Comhairle nan Eilean Siar can award and will be granted to the Royal Regiment of Scotland in recognition of their eminent service to the community and our country.

On Saturday at 12pm a parade led by the Regiment's Pipes and Drums and regimental mascot Corporal Cruachan IV will gather at Porters Lodge before marching through Stornoway, taking a left on Kenneth St, left onto Francis St, right on Bank St and round towards Perceval Square where the ceremony will take place.

Speaking ahead of the event Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

"The Western Isles has strong historic links to the armed forces. This ceremony is a chance for us to recognise these links and as a community show our recognition to the Royal Regiment for their years of service in protection of our personal freedoms. I would encourage all who can, to attend the ceremony and be part of what will be a historic occasion and an impressive spectacle."

Brigadier Leigh Drummond who will receive the Freedom on behalf of The Royal Regiment of Scotland said:

"It is an exceptional honour to receive the Freedom of the Western Isles and great priveledge to be able to march through Stornoway. The Western Isles have a strong history of producing fine soldiers and supporting all those who serve and we thank the community for their ongoing support."

Major Tony Ronaldson, Officer Commanding of 2SCOTS at The Royal Regiment of Scotland added:  

"It is an honour to be granted Freedom of Stornoway. The last - and only other time - we paraded on the island was in 1993 when I was a Lance Corporal. I'm currently one of only two officers still serving from that time.

"I have many friends and family here and it's a privilege to march through such a beautiful location and see some familiar faces. As a regiment, we want to ensure we are connecting with rural communities, so to be invited by Stornoway Council to attend this event, is a great opportunity for us." 

In the interests of road safety and to allow for the Royal Regiment of Scotland to march safely some roads will be closed between 12pm and 12:45pm, marshals will be in place to assist the public. The full road closure notice is on the Comhairle website. Parking is available across the road from the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Offices, Sandwick Road.

The Royal Regiment of Scotland

The Royal Regiment of Scotland was formed in 2006 through the amalgamation of Scotland's historic infantry regiments to form a single fighting force. The Royal Regiment of Scotland (SCOTS) is the senior and only current Scottish line infantry regiment of the British Army Infantry.

Freedom of the Western Isles

Since the Comhairle was formed in 1975 the Freedom of the Western Isles has been granted on 7 occasions to Rev. Donald Macaulay OBE, Father Calum Maclellan, Donald Stewart MP, Chrissie Stewart, Duncan M Morrison MBE, the Queen's Own Highlanders and Sandy Matheson CVO OBE

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