Easter Motiv8 (Lewis and Harris)

We hope that you will have an enjoyable Easter break and find the time to take part in some of the wide range of exciting sporting activities. This programme has been put together by the Sport and Health Section of Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar.

Children with additional support needs are more than welcome at our events - please inform us prior to attending the session by emailing smunro@cne-siar.gov.uk or isladminteam@cne-siar.gov.uk, detailing your child's additional requirements.  A parent or carer may be required to stay with their child to ensure adequate supervision.

It is important that all children are dressed appropriately wearing suitable footwear to take part in sports activities. We encourage all children to take a drink with them and can parents make sure your child goes to the toilet before the sports activity starts.

How to Book

Our bookings will go live at 12 Noon on  Friday 31 March 2023 for activities starting Monday 3 April 2022.

All our bookings will be via our online booking system and the CnES Sport & Health app.

To request your child/children's ID and PIN numbers, if you don't already have them, please e-mail isladminteam@cne-siar.gov.uk with their name and date of birth, or call ISL reception on 822 800.

We welcome holidaymakers to all activities, however, please check availability with the activity provider.

Slàinte Mhath Members  will receive a 50% discount on each activity.

No bookings will be taken before 12 Noon on Friday 31 March.

Consent Form

Please can you make sure you have completed the Sport and Health medical information form. Participants must complete the form yearly (unless details provided change within that year).  Can you also let the coach know of any medical conditions your child has when attending the session.

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