Tickets to go on sale for OH!CON

Tickets go on 'sale' this Saturday, 1 October 2022, for OH!CON, the Outer Hebrides' first comic con which is taking place in Stornoway on Saturday 29 October.  If you love comics, science fiction, fantasy or games, then get yourself a ticket to enjoy a whole day dedicated to celebrating geekdom and popular culture.

There will be a whole host of activities to enjoy at the Town Hall in Stornoway and other venues on the day, including workshops for all ages, talks by some of our brilliant guests, cosplay competitions, green screen photo sessions, robotics, LEGO, VR and gaming. Tickets must be booked in advance but entry to all the activities is free.

For any keen artist out there, of all ages, why not submit your work to the artists OH!CON Gallery - a chance for you to share your work and meet other like-minded artists on the day.  There may even be prizes involved for the best pieces, as judged by two of our guests Tanya Roberts and Etienne Kubwabo.

Leading up to OH!CON, there will also be lots of other activities to enjoy. We have a series of cosplay-making workshops taking place at Stornoway Library in the weeks leading up to the comic con, so you can get help with creating your spectacular costume.  Of course, you don't have to come in costume, only if you want to.  But if cosplay is your thing, we are holding two Cosplay Masquerade Competitions for you to show off your costume and character and wow the audience.  Check the OH!CON website to find out more and how to register.

And there's more. On Thursday 27th, there'll be a special cult movie screening at Stornoway Library.  On Friday 28th, the library will be hosting the nerdiest ever quiz night - come along to test your knowledge of comics, sci-fi and fantasy.

Of course, OH!CON wouldn't be possible without our team of volunteers and we are still looking for more OH!CONeers to help out on the day.  If you would like to be involved and help with a range of activities at OH!CON, please email us or get in touch via the website at

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