Archive for June 2021

  • High Levels of Shellfish Toxin - Broadbay

    High Levels of Shellfish Toxin Monitoring work undertaken on behalf of Food Standards Scotland has identified raised levels of shellfish toxins in Broad Bay in Lewis. Image © marlerblog

  • Jobs at CnES as of 10 June

    You can find out further information about all our posts and apply online using the MyJobScotland  website. (iPhone and Android apps are available). Image © BHPI

  • Call for Dedicated Ferry for Harris

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Chairman of Transportation and Infrastructure has backed calls from the Harris Transport Forum for a dedicated ferry for Harris.

  • High Levels of Shellfish Toxins - Loch Leurbost

    High Levels of Shellfish Toxin Monitoring work undertaken on behalf of Food Standards Scotland has identified raised levels of shellfish toxins in Loch Leurbost in Lewis. Image © marlerblog

  • High Levels of Shellfish Toxins - Traigh Mhor

    High Levels of Shellfish Toxin Monitoring work undertaken on behalf of Food Standards Scotland has identified raised levels of shellfish toxins in Traigh Mhòr in Barra. Image © marlerblog