Stornoway Half Marathon and 10K

Date: Saturday, 25 May, 2024
Time: 10:00
Location: Marina, Inner Harbour
Address: Stornoway, Isle of Lewis

Half Marathon start

The Half Marathon will start at 10:00am next to the marina on the Inner Harbour. Runners should be at the start line by 9.45 at the latest for the race briefing. There will be water stations approximately every 3 miles.

10k start

The 10K will start at 10.50am near the Bridge Centre on Bayhead Street, approx 400m from the finish area. Runners should assemble at the Bayhead Bridge Centre by 10.40am. After 400m or so the 10k route merges with the Half Marathon route. There will be two water stations on the route.


Both races finish next to the marina on the Inner Harbour, very close to the start of the Half Marathon. Half Marathon and 10k runners will all get a medal once they cross the line. Half Marathon runners will also get a goodie bag. 

Toilets and changing

Please be aware toilet facilities at the start line are more limited than normal. Runners will have access to the Marina toilets but the public toilets in Perceval Square are closed. There are toilets and limited changing facilities in the MA Hall, a short walk from the start line (where race registration and the post race buffet are held).

There will be a bag drop close to the finish line.

Buffet and prize giving

The post race buffet and prize giving will take place in the Stornoway Free Church Hall (MA Hall) on Kenneth Street, just a short walk from the finish area. The prize giving will start at approximately 1pm.


Shower facilites are available at Lewis Sports Centre, about a 800m walk from the finish area. This will be free of charge, please just tell reception staff that you ran the Half Marathon or 10k and give them your name.

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