Google Analytics – Understand how your website performs

Date: Tuesday, 12 December, 2023 -
Start Time: 14:00
End Time: 16:00
Location: Online Event

What to expect from this webinar

Google Analytics (Universal and GA4) is a powerful tool that helps you understand how your website is performing. It helps answer lots of questions, including:

  • Which marketing channels drive traffic to your site?
  • What pages are users looking at the most?
  • What impact does mobile have on your potential customers?

During this webinar, we'll help you understand how Google Analytics is set up and give you an overview of key reports. We'll also look at other web analytics tools to help you online.

Please Note:  A link to access the webinar will be sent to you in your booking confirmation email. You may need to look in your 'Clutter' or 'Spam' folder to find it.

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