Careers Fair for Uist

Date: Thursday, 23 November, 2023 -
Start Time: 13:00
End Time: 18:00
Location: Sgoil Lionacleit Games Hall
Address: Lionacleit, Benbecula

The careers fair for Uist will be taking place on Thursday 23 November in the Sgoil Lionacleit Games Hall, from 1pm - 6pm.

The purpose of hosting these careers fairs is to showcase job opportunities and career paths across the Western Isles' various industries.

Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

"The growing employer interest to take part in these events shows the great and engaging work that DYW Outer Hebrides and Western Isles Employability does to bridge the gap between schools and employers. It is important our young people are aware of the job opportunities available to them locally. Having these events across our islands is a fantastic showcase of the many opportunities to live, work and learn in the Western Isles."

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