Running or starting a rural business: What makes it different and what support is out there
Date: Thursday, 22 April, 2021 -
Start Time: 14:00
End Time: 16:00
Location: Online Event
Address: Online Event
Being your own boss can be a challenge at any time, however if you are setting up in business or are in business in a rural area then this brings with it a range of additional challenges that must be considered. It is not all negative, there can also be many positives. We will also consider what support is available within the rural community.
We will look at:
- Running a rural business - The challenges and opportunities
- The ethos of the rural business
- The impacts of the supply chain on the rural business
- Tendering and going beyond rural by looking at access to markets
- Connectivity - Improving collaboration between businesses and communities
- Enabling communities to develop their capacity to actively address local needs and aspirations
- Increasing the potential of local products as well as cultural, natural, heritage and environmental assets to contribute to a sustainable economy
- Unlocking tourism potential
- Developing a rural USP
- Employment - enticing, keeping, and retaining
- The role of Digital - enhancing and holding back. Embracing Industry 4.0
- An aging population - an opportunity?
- Funding - whats available in a rural area
- The impacts of Covid 19 on the rural business
- Selling and buying a rural business