Ward 7

An Taobh Siar agus Nis

West Side and Ness


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Community Engagement: Consultations, Surveys and Opinions

Welcome to E-Sgìre, please take the time to click through the site and provide your feedback or participate in the consultations, surveys and opinions as they appear within this section. 

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Comhairle Welcomes NHS Engagement in Air Service Discussions

Cllr Uisdean Robertson has welcomed NHS Western Isles discussions on the Stornoway to Benbecula PSO contract.

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Why your business needs a blog

Interested in starting a blog for your business but not sure how? Or already writing blogs but not seeing any return for your time? This webinar will help.

An Taobh Siar agus Nis ward elects three members of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Police Scotland has developed a Multi Member Ward Plan 2013 for An Taobh Siar agus Nis, which outlines the priorities the community identified during their most recent consultation and informs how Police Scotland plan to address these throughout the year.  It can be viewed by clicking here.