Surplus Topsoil - Expressions of Interest

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar are inviting all expressions of interest within the Western Isles in relation to surplus unscreened topsoil arising from the Goathill development, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. 

Please read all the guidance below prior to completing an application form.

In promoting the sustainable reuse of greenfield soils, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have produced regulatory guidance (»)   detailing those uses which are acceptable.  In broad terms, the topsoil can be used for general landscaping up to 150mm (6") thick, construction of roads and verge areas and the formation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) ponds.   Using the material for planting beds and use within polytunnels, polycarbonate tunnels, greenhouses or similar is also acceptable.  It cannot be used for stockpiling on third party sites or backfilling of quarries. It also cannot be used for resale purposes.

An application form should be completed and applicants should provide a clear description of intended use, location, quantity sought, confirmation of land ownership status, and any requirement for planning permission.  

In the first instance the application form will be used to assess proposals and in due course, for successful applicants, this form will serve as the Declaration Form required by SEPA as outlined in their regulatory guidance (»)   .

Although there will be no charge for the raw material, there will be a small administration and loading fee in accordance with the table below.   The material is currently stockpiled at the Comhairle's Bennadrove Landfiill site.

The Comhairle will manage and operate the loading procedure and will provide the necessary labour and plant for this at Bennadrove.  However, successful applicants will require to make their own arrangements for pick-up and delivery of the material and meet all associated haulage costs.  

Applicants are responsible for checking the towing capacity, weight restrictions and general fitness of all vehicles, trailers, plant and equipment which they will use for collection of topsoil.

The Comhairle will not be liable for any damage or injury caused as a result of any vehicle or trailer being loaded beyond its capacity.  The Comhairle may, but shall have no responsibility to, restrict or refuse the loading of a vehicle or trailer if it suspects that the vehicle or trailer would not safely take the requested load.

In terms of quantities, requests for topsoil within the range of 1-1000 tonnes will be considered.  There are various online calculator tools that will assist the applicant in estimating the volume required.

Quantity of Topsoil Sought Administration & Loading Fee (inc VAT)
Administration / Loading Fee
Under 1 Tonne  £10 (pre-packed tonne and half tonne bags)
1 - 5  Tonnes  £20
5 - 10 Tonnes  £30 
10 - 20 Tonnes £50 
20 - 100 Tonnes  £75 
100 - 1000 Tonnes  POA 

*This includes the cost of loading the collecting vehicle

Contact Us

For further information please contact:

Customer Services

Tel:  01851 600 502

Online Form: Application for Topsoil

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