
Filter for: West Side and Ness

  • Scottish Child Payment increased

    The Scottish Child Payment has today been increased to £25 and been extended to include eligible children up to age 16.

  • ROADS Monday, 21 November 2022

    Wintery Conditions Forecast In Lewis. Gritters deployed treating the following routes.  Stornoway to Ness; North Lochs - Grimshader Loop Only;  Westside Loop.  Please drive to the conditions.


  • Adult Learning Grants for Community Groups

    We currently have a small pot of money available for Adult Learning Grants across all of the islands. Image, exploreadultlearning

  • Community Led Local Development

    The Scottish Government has released a new funding programme, entitled "Community Led Local Development" (CLLD), with the aim of supporting remote communities. 

  • Industrial Action by Teachers (24/11/22)

    A number of teaching trade unions have confirmed an intention to take national industrial action on 24th November 2022 as part of their on-going national pay campaign. Image, istock