Taic Airgid airson Proiseactan Beaga Gaidhlig / Financial Support for Small Gaelic Projects
Guidance For Applicants
The task of the Comhairle, through the implementation of its Gaelic Policy, is to create the appropriate context for the sustainability and growth of Gaelic in the Western Isles.
Since its inception, as the arm of the Comhairle which is responsible for the implementation of this Gaelic Policy, and which is also responsible for overseeing and implementing the Gaelic Language Plan for the Western Isles 2007-2012, Sgioba na Gàidhlig has always endeavoured, by providing financial assistance from its own budget, to support small, local projects in all the communities of the Western Isles, which support and promote the use of Gaelic in those communities.
This support for the use of Gaelic in the communities of the Western Isles forms a crucial aspect of the Gaelic Language Plan for the Western Isles 2007-2012, in which there are contained three Strategic Objectives. These are:
- To strengthen Gaelic as a language in the family in the Western Isles
- To strengthen Gaelic as a community language in the Western Isles
- To increase the number of Gaelic speakers in the Western Isles
Criteria for Eligibility
Applications for financial support are invited from applicants who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be based in the Western Isles
- Applicants may be constituted community groups, unincorporated associations, limited companies, co-operatives or partnerships
- Projects must meet one or more of the three Strategic Objectives of the Gaelic Language Plan for the Western Isles 2007-2012 as detailed above. The greater the number of Strategic Objectives fully met, the greater the likelihood for success of the application
- Projects must demonstrate ability to deliver
- Projects must provide value for money
In addition to this, any projects which lever in partner funds or support from other bodies will be looked at very favourably.
Completion of the Project
On conclusion of the project, the applicant will be required to write a report on the progress and outcomes of the project, how any funding was spent, and the ways in which at least one of the three Strategic Objectives of the Gaelic Language Plan for the Western Isles 2007-2012 was met.