
Filter for: North Stornoway

  • Businesses to be given UK product marking flexibility

    The Business Secretary, Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, has announced that businesses will be given an additional two years to apply the new product safety marking. Image, wikipedia

  • Scottish Child Payment increased

    The Scottish Child Payment has today been increased to £25 and been extended to include eligible children up to age 16.

  • ROADS Monday, 21 November 2022

    Wintery Conditions Forecast In Lewis. Gritters deployed treating the following routes.  Stornoway to Ness; North Lochs - Grimshader Loop Only;  Westside Loop.  Please drive to the conditions.


  • Adult Learning Grants for Community Groups

    We currently have a small pot of money available for Adult Learning Grants across all of the islands. Image, exploreadultlearning

  • Community Led Local Development

    The Scottish Government has released a new funding programme, entitled "Community Led Local Development" (CLLD), with the aim of supporting remote communities.