UK secures the rights of millions of EU citizens

New statistics show there were 6 million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021, securing EU citizens' rights in the UK.

More than 6 million applications were made to the EU Settlement Scheme before the 30 June deadline, marking an astonishing success in protecting the rights of EU citizens in the UK.

Statistics released today (Friday 2 July), show there were 6.02 million applications made to the scheme by 30 June, with 5.1 million grants of status.

There have been more than 5.3 million applications from England, 291,200 from Scotland, 98,600 from Wales, and 98,400 from Northern Ireland.

The surge in applications, including more than 400,000 in June alone, means that there are around 570,000 pending applications. The government has repeatedly assured those who applied before the deadline that they will have their rights protected until their application is decided, as set out in law, and they have the means to prove their protected rights if needed.

People who submitted an application by the deadline receive a Certificate of Application, which they can use if they need to prove their immigration status for any reason, such as taking up a new job or renting a new property.

The government will take a flexible and pragmatic approach to considering people's reasonable grounds for applying late. The Home Office has published non-exhaustive guidance setting out where somebody may have reasonable grounds to make a late application and has said it will continue to look to grant people status rather than refuse.

Support for applicants will continue to be available through the Settlement Resolution Centre, Assisted Digital and the network of 72 organisations across the UK grant-funded with £22 million by the Home Office through to 30 September 2021 to help vulnerable groups apply. A process is in place to prioritise late applicants where they may be at risk of destitution.

The EU Settlement Scheme opened on 30 March 2019 and there will be indefinite scope for those with reasonable grounds for applying late to do so.


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